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The Gunniwolf 2003 г 32 стр ISBN 0525467858 инфо 2043i.

Book DescriptionWilhelmina Harper's The Gunniwolf is a classic-beloved by readers, storytellers, and teachers Unavailable for years, it is back with fabulous new illustrations by Barbara Upton, perfect for ouаоазуr time Its vibrant, rhythmic read-aloud text-sprinkled with dialect-tells the story of Little Girl, who is forbidden to enter the jungle for fear of meeting the Gunniwolf But when she does, this version's Gunniwolf seems almost playful-if just a little scary But Litбагъжtle Girl learns her lesson, and a new generation of listeners will be rapt with delight at this "guten sweeten" book Illustrated by Barbara Upton.

Mr Pine's Purple House (Mr Pine) 2005 г Суперобложка, 64 стр ISBN 1930900325 инфо 2045i.

Amazoncom"Mr Pine lived on Vine Street in a little white house" That's all fine and dandy, but there are 50 white houses on Vine Street, all in a line, and Mr Pine can't tell which one is his! Toаоазф distinguish his own abode, he decides to plant a little pine tree in front, but his neighbors like that idea so much, they do it, too Even when he plants a bush next to his tree, everyone follows suit Finally, Mr Pine paints his house purple--and to his delight, noбагъз one else wants a purple house His neighbors are inspired, however, to paint their own houses all different colors, their first break with conformity ("'Yellow for me,' said Mrs Green 'Green for me,' said Mrs Brown") First published in 1965 and out of print until recently, Leonard Kessler's Mr Pine's Purple House--a story of the triumph of individualism--has crept into the hearts of thousands of readers for decades Simple but memorable line drawings (splashed with puбнапдrple), large type, and airy design combine with a meaningful story to make this a perfect choice for early readers who one day will dare to be different (Ages 4 to 8) --Karin SnelsonBook DescriptionMr Pine lived on Vine Street in a little white house "A white house is fine," said Mr Pine, "but there are FIFTY white houses all in a line on Vine Street How can I tell which house is mine?" Mr Pine had a big problem But he solved that problem in his own special way Mr Pine's Purple House, first published in 1965, was a favorite children's book for many years When it went out of print fans requested the return of the intrepid Mr Pine Well, Mr Pine is back again, with his dog and his cat, his brushes and ladders, and lots of purple paint! 40th Anniversary Edition.

Mrs Pine Takes a Trip (Mr Pine) 2005 г 45 стр ISBN 1930900252 инфо 2048i.

Book DescriptionMrs Pine decides to visit her sister in New York Mr Pine tells her that he can take care of the house while she is away "Housework is easy," he says But he soon changes his mindанятв The house gets messier and messier and, oh no, Mrs Pine is coming home tomorrow! Children of all ages will enjoy this third book in the Mr Pine series.

Puffin Book of Classic Indian Tales 2003 г 208 стр ISBN 0143335405 инфо 2050i.

Book DescriptionTales of boons and curses, love and betrayal, wit and humour, valour and pride, drawn from the Mahabharata, Ramayana, Panchatantra and traditional folklore of India, are brought together in thiанятеs fascinating collection Meera Uberoi's retelling brings to these stories a freshness and charm which will delight readers old and young The Puffin Book of Classic Indian Tales for Children is a glorious celebration of the richness and diversity of Indian myths and fбаглчolktales Accompanied by stunning illustrations by some of the best artists in the country, this book is a must for every bookshelf.

Classic Starts: The Adventures of Robin Hood (Classic Starts Series) 2005 г Твердый переплет, 160 стр ISBN 140271257X инфо 2055i.

Book Description Following Sterling's spectacularly successful launch of its children's classic novels (240,000 books in print to date),comes a dazzling new series: Classic Starts The stories are abridged; аняттthe quality is complete Classic Starts treats the world's beloved tales (and children) with the respect they deserve--all at an incomparable price He robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, and had escapades enough to please any adventure-loving child Now even tбаглшhe youngest readers can have the chance to enter Sherwood Forest with Robin's band of merry men, and meet such unforgettable characters as Friar Tuck, Little John, Allan-a-Dale, the nasty Sheriff of Nottingham, and wicked King John Every moment of the story is filled with action and excitement.

Tales of Terror from Edgar Allan Poe 2005 г 96 стр ISBN 0375833056 инфо 2044i.

Book DescriptionSix of Poe’s most macabre tales are presented in this powerfully illustrated edition that comes with an unabridged CD narration of four of the shorter tales The classic tales included on the 7анясэ5 minute CD and read by Edward Blake are “The Masque of the Red Death,” “The Black Cat,” “The Tell-Tale Heart,” and “The Cask of Amontillado” The two longer tales in the collection are the heart-stopping “The Pit and the Pendulum” and the chilling “The Fall of the Houбаглхse of Usher” In addition to his striking woodcut-type illustrations, Michael McCurdy has written fascinating headnotes about the origin of each tale and an introduction about Poe.

Я тебя никуда не отпущу Формат: VHS Дистрибьютор: Арена Русский На языке оригинала Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 61 мин , Россия Милена-фильм Художественный кинофильм инфо 2046i.

От издателя Этот фильм основан на реальных событиях и рассказывает о судьбе молодой девушки, на долю которой в 16 лет выпало много испытаний: стычки с милицией, неудачный бизнес мужа, закончившийся наездом рэаоазцкетиров и тюрьмой, предательство подруги, попытка заработать на панели Но в конце концов находится человек, который хочет утешить ее и тихо говорит: `Я никуда тебя не отпущу` Режиссер: Елена Тонунц Творческий коллектив Режиссер Елена Тонунц Родилась в Мабагъкгадане Окончила геологический ф-т МГУ (1976), актерский факультет ГИТИСа (1981, мастерская К Михайлова), режиссерский ф-т ВГИКа (1992, мастерская Ю Озерова) Снялась в 30-ти фильмах: «Шахерезада», «Тевье-молочник» (тв) и др Актеры (показать всех актеров) Всеволод Шиловский Родился 3 июня 1938 года в Москве По окончании в 1961 году школы - студии МХАТ до 1987 года был актером и режиссером МХАТ Как режиссер поставил телесериалы `День за днем` и `В одном микрорайоне` Абнапендрей Ростоцкий Андрей Ростоцкий родился 25 января 1957 года в Москве, в семье известного кинорежиссера Станислава Ростоцкого и киноактрисы Нины Меньшиковой В десятом классе Андрей Ростоцкий стал вольнослушателем ВГИК и тогда же впервые снялся в кино - у Ильи Фрэза в Игорь Бочкин Игорь Иванович Бочкин родился 17 февраля 1957 года в Москве В 1981 году он окончил ГИТИС (курс ККМихайлова) и до 1990 года работал в Московском театре имени НВГоголя Первую роль, Кузьку, Игорь Бочкин сыграл в 1972 году в фильме Бориса .

The Wind in the Willows Серия: Penguin Popular Classics инфо 2049i.

When Kenneth Grahame first entertained his son with letters about a petulant character named Toad, he had no way of knowing that his creation—together with his friends Mole, Rat, and Badger—would delight childаоазчren for nearly 100 years Here they are once more, pursuing adventure in gypsy caravans, stolen sportscars, and prison, but always returning to their beloved Wildwood And although Grahame’s characters are unmistakably animals, they remain endearingly human in their ecбагъпcentricity, folly, and friendship New Ed edition Авторы Кеннет Грэм Kenneth Grahame Родился в Эдинбурге Рано осиротел и воспитывался у бабушки в Англии Окончил оксфордскую школу Св Эдуарда, в университет не поступил из-за отсутствия денег на обучение Работал в Английском банке, по состоянию здоровья ушел на пенсию в 1907 году Джиллиан Эйвери Gillian Avery.

Anne of Green Gables My First Classics (My First Classics) ages 4-8 Издательство: HarperFestival, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр ISBN 0060791470 инфо 2052i.

A girl with spunk and dreams in search of a place to call home Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert planned to adopt a boy to help out around the farm, but waiting at the train station is a freckle-faced, red-анятрheaded eleven-year-old orphan named Anne Shirley From the minute Anne sets foot in Matthew's buggy, Green Gables will never be the same!.

Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Farm 2004 г 266 стр ISBN 0451529278 инфо 2056i.

Book DescriptionThis is the classic story of a spunky little girl named Rebecca Her dreamy outlook and strict morals cause the type of childhood conflicts that will strike a chord in both the young and not букпд so young.