The BFG Издательство: Puffin, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 0142410381 инфо 1758i. |
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Evidently not even Roald Dahl could resist the acronym craze of the early eighties BFG? Bellowing ferret-faced golfer? Backstabbing fairy godmother? Oh, oh Big Friendly Giant! This BFG doesn't seem all thаняихat F at first as he creeps down a London street, snatches little Sophie out of her bed, and bounds away with her to giant land And he's not really all that B when compared with his evil, carnivorous brethren, who bully him for being such an oddball runt After all, heбагди eats only disgusting snozzcumbers, and while the other Gs are snacking on little boys and girls, he's blowing happy dreams in through their windows What kind of way is that for a G to behave? The BFG is one of Dahl's most lovable character creations Whether galloping off with Sophie nestled into the soft skin of his ear to capture dreams as though they were exotic butterflies; speaking his delightful, jumbled, squib-fangled patois; or whizzpopping for the Queen, he leaves an indelбнаиьible impression of bigheartedness Автор Роальд Даль Roald Dahl Родился в городе Лландафф (Уэльс), учился в пансионе для мальчиков, в университет поступать не стал и в 1933 году устроился на работу в компанию "Шелл" С 1937 по 1939 год жил и работал в Танганьике, с началом второй мировой войны записался в армию и . |